
Citrix Session Recording Is Great!!!
I love that Smart Auditor has come back….. er… I mean Session Recording. This is an amazing tool. The only issues I have with this product is if you want to not use SSL and retention and back to multiple consoles.
I could complain about the multiple consoles, but that would be kicking a dead horse again and again. We will leave that alone and hope that Citrix will consolidate eventually.
Citrix has documented very thoroughly on how to install Session Recording with SSL. But what if you are with a client that doesn’t have an internal PKI solution and doesn’t want to buy a 3rd party cert for this.
To Configure the Session Recording without SSL, don’t choose a certificate during the installation. You would believe this to be enough, except when the website is installed, it is setup to require SSL. To fix this setting, open IIS admin and navigate to the SessionRecordingBroker site. Choose SSL Settings, and uncheck require SSL.
The main problem is there is no interactive way to setup archiving of the Recordings. If Citrix could develop a utility that would make it easy to configure the managing of the recordings it would be much nicer. As of now, the only way to manage the recordings is with the icldb utility.
Citrix has only listed the main commands in their document. If you would like to learn more about the commands here is a full list of the options for each command
[/L] [/F] [/S] [/?]
Archive session recording files older than the retention period specified.
This will mark files in the database as archived. Physical files will not
be moved unless the /MOVETO option is specified. Archiving a large number
of files may take some time.
/RETENTION:<days> The retention period for session recording files. Files
older than this will be marked as archived in the
database. Retention period must be greater than 2 days.
/LISTFILES List the path of files as they are being marked as
/MOVETO:<dir> Specify a destination directory to which files are to be
physically moved. If this option is omitted, files will
remain in their original location.
/NOTE:<note> Attach a text note to the database record for each
file that is archived.
/L Log results and errors to the Windows event logs.
/F Force command to run without prompting.
/S Suppress copyright message.
/? Display command help.
ICLDB DORMANT [/DAYS:<days> | /HOURS:<hours> | /MINUTES:<minutes>]
[/LISTFILES] [/L] [/F] [/S] [/?]
Display or count the session recording files that are deemed as dormant.
Dormant files are session recordings that never completed due to data loss.
The search for dormant files can be made across the whole database or only
recordings made within the specified last number of days, hours, or minutes.
/DAYS:<days> Limit the range of the dormant file search to the last
number of days specified.
/HOURS:<hours> Limit the range of the dormant file search to the last
number of hours specified.
/MINUTES:<minutes> Limit the range of the dormant file search to the last
number of minutes specified.
/LISTFILES List the file identifier for each dormant file found.
If this is omitted, only the count of dormant files will
be displayed.
/L Log results and errors to the Windows event logs.
/F Force command to run without prompting.
/S Suppress copyright message.
/? Display command help.
[<file> …] [<directory> …]
Import session recording files into the database. The metadata contained
within each file will be read and database records created. Once a file is
imported, the file must not be moved or deleted.
/LISTFILES List the files before importing.
/RECURSIVE For directories specified, recursively search for files
in all sub-directories.
<file> Name of file to import (wildcards permitted).
<directory> Name of directory to search for files to import. Files
must have an .ICL extension. Sub-directories will be
searched if the /RECURSIVE switch is specified.
/L Log results and errors to the Windows event logs.
/F Force command to run without prompting.
/S Suppress copyright message.
/? Display command help.
ICLDB LOCATE /FILEID:<id> [/L] [/F] [/S] [/?]
Locate and display the full path to a session recording file given a file
/FILEID:<id> Session recording file identifier or file name to search
for. This may be specified in either of the following two
(example: 545e8304-cdf1-404d-8ca9-001797ab8090)
(example: i_545e8304-cdf1-404d-8ca9-001797ab8090.icl)
/L Log results and errors to the Windows event logs.
/F Force command to run without prompting.
/S Suppress copyright message.
/? Display command help.
[/L] [/F] [/S] [/?]
Remove references to session recording files older than the retention
period specified. This will only remove records from the database, unless
the /DELETEFILES option is specified.
/RETENTION:<days> The retention period for session recording files.
Database records older than this will be removed.
Retention period must be greater than 2 days.
/LISTFILES List the path of files as their database record is
being removed.
/DELETEFILES Specify that the associated physical file is to be
deleted from disk.
/L Log results and errors to the Windows event logs.
/F Force command to run without prompting.
/S Suppress copyright message.
/? Display command help.
ICLDB REMOVEALL [/L] [/F] [/S] [/?]
Removes all records from the Session Recording Database and returns the database
back to its original state. This command however, does not remove physical
session recording files from disk. On large databases this command may
take some time to complete.
Use this command with caution as removal of database records can only be
reversed by restoring from backup.
/L Log results and errors to the Windows event logs.
/F Force command to run without prompting.
/S Suppress copyright message.
/? Display command help.
ICLDB VERSION [/L] [/F] [/S] [/?]
Display the Session Recording Database schema version in the format
/L Log results and errors to the Windows event logs.
/F Force command to run without prompting.
/S Suppress copyright message.
/? Display command help.

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