
It’s Time To Disrupt The Euc World!

Shout out to our partner IGEL!
Our team will be at Disrupt 2020 in Nashville in January. As technology shifts and changes, new innovators rise up to cast vision. IGEL provides a unique voice which shows new possibilities, inspires innovation, and creates the tools for better solutions. While seemingly new to many people, IGEL has been around and is built on 20 years of solid technology innovation.
IGEL has been our secret weapon for securing endpoints and creating simple endpoint management for a long time. Since the early 2000’s we have been providing solutions based on IGEL and delivering tremendous value to clients. But in recent times the secret is out and it is making some big waves. A perfect storm is taking place with the mainstream adoption of Virtual Desktops and Applications combined with the large scale movement to Cloud Computing.
Over this time, back end solutions have evolved dramatically to provide efficient Hosted and Cloud native applications, however, the endpoint has not seen the same level of improvement. While hardware keeps getting faster on the endpoint, the management paradigm has pretty much stayed the same. Endpoints are still fully loaded, heavily managed devices subject to constant updates and changing configurations, vendor lock in and far too much complexity.
IGEL changes all that by providing flexible software to secure, simplify and improve the endpoint experience for both admins and End Users. As a software based solution, it provides independence from the underlying hardware and traditional deployment constraints. Sometimes the use case calls for a laptop, a re-purposed PC, a brand new desktop or even dedicated thin client hardware. IGEL breaks the cycle of the endpoint “tail wagging the dog” and gives you Cloud Era security and management on any hardware you to choose to deploy.
IGEL is a key partner for us and true innovator in the EUC Community.
Come join us and the entire EUC Community for a meeting of the EUC minds in Nashville, January 27-29 at IGEL DISTRUPT 2020!

Let's discuss a strategic IT partnership today!