
Unsung Heroes…The Best Of SE Troubleshooting And Technical Data In One Place
Today’s world of open information exchange is very different than just a few years ago where practical technical information was hard to come by. In those dark times, companies feared that acknowledging product issues, flaws or workarounds was a source of negative publicity and would hurt sales and affect stock prices. Trade shows were closed to open discussion and web based information was tightly controlled. The goal then was to make it all seem simple and magical, and above all, ignore the man behind the binary curtain.
Back in these Dark Ages of the 1990’s and early 2000’s it was the System Engineers who broke convention, risked their livelihood, and shared the needed information to the community. Doug Brown, Brian Madden and Roy “I am about to be fired for what I am going to say” Tokeshi are great examples, but perhaps the most widely known was (then) Rock Star Citrix SE Rick Dehlinger. Rick’s ‘Metaframe Tuning Tips’circulated the globe (often via modem) as THE practical guide to making Citrix Metaframe installations work. The idea was simple 1) find out from your own experience and from others what works 2) put the information in one place and 3) share it to the world.
Nowadays we have open Social Media, the CTP Community, Briforum, Geek Speak, and even real-time free support with Citrix IRC ! There are countless ways to find information. However, 140 character conversations or quick-fix blog posts don’t always provide the depth of knowledge that is needed to be successful, and, they are not even close to being located in one place.
This week I was attending our Citrix Reseller Technical Briefing and lo and behold I heard the words from the mouth of SE Rock Star Jared Cowart, “I might get fired for what I am about say…”. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside! Later JC shared a set of documents that he, and several others within the SE community, have been developing. I am happy to see that the spirit lives on!
These documents include:
– Citrix Troubleshooting (a fantastically deep PowerPoint that if you enter you may never come out of)
– Citrix Troubleshooting Tools (list of avilaible tools with the articles #s !)
– External Links (to important sites and resources)
– Recommended Training Videos
– Citrix Xen Desktop Tools (with article numbers)
You can download these documents as a single zip file here. Please provide feedback, if there is sufficient interest we will gladly create a centralized repository to maintain and update this data.

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